26 juillet 2024

IA : gestion de la typographie

 Les algorithmes des IA ont souvent eu des difficultés à générer les textes. "Ideogram.ai" a été, à ma connaissance, un des plus performants à assurer la gestion de la typographie. D'autres plateformes d'IA ont suivi le mouvement comme ici, "Leonardo.ai", qui a généré cette affiche avec un titre, selon le prompt : 
"A haunting monochromer poster dominates the viewer, conveying the devastating aftermath of a cataclysmic event over a ravaged, desolate cityscape. The dark, foreboding sky looms above, with thick, grey clouds suffocating the last remnants of life. In the foreground, crumbling skyscrapers and rubble-strewn streets stretch as far as the eye can see, punctuated by the skeletal remains of twisted, rusted vehicles. The title "Chernobyl The Silent Fallout" screams in stark, bold, sans-serif font at the top of the poster, the words etched in a worn, gritty texture that evokes a sense of decay and neglect. The overall aesthetic is gritty, rough, and unflinching, with deep shadows and subtle texture that imbues the poster with a tangible sense of grit and decay."

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